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  • Suzanne Kelly Polito


I don’t claim to be a Fortune Teller, or can tell your Fortune or Future, but I can tell you that it is no MISFORTUNE to have a love of living careless and free without age restrictions.

When I look at this photo with a Colorful Turban on my head, I think to myself “I kind of look like a Fortune Teller“ LOL... My blue eyes, that I inherited from my grandma on my mothers side, stand out and make me recall what a wise woman she was. Ahead of her time and lived to 90 years of age, so with luck and good genes I have at least another 40 years of adventure left in me. Not that I claim to predict the future in any way shape or form but I do feel that life experience and wisdom come with years on this earth, not particularly AGE, because I feel age is just a number on your drivers license. I do predict I am going to live every moment to the fullest though!

I am thoroughly learning that age is just a number and the way we perceive ourselves and abilities can go one of two ways. We can chose to live a youthful and fruitful life and ignore the number. I have learned to ignore numbers for quite some time now as one that constantly has a battle with a little known device called a bathroom scale! If we succumb to our numbers we will end up curled up in a ball, living the way others think is “appropriate for someone your age." Well, I’m here to tell you that if I listened to the naysayers and critics as to what I should be doing at “my age,“ I never would have the amazing, fun, adventurous life experiences I am having currently in fashion, art, and entertainment. I no longer consider age a barrier to anything. Your spirit, your soul, your energy is what determines your “age." I have dined with 23, 30, 56 and 50 years on earth friends all in one table and we have never once considered that we were doing something out of the ordinary or inappropriate because of the age differences. We all had a love of fashion, art, and spirituality that brought us together to share a meal, a conversation, and many laughs. I mean, I just saw Queen Elizabeth behind the wheel driving herself and people making such a big fuss about it because of her “age." I thought, more power to her and if I am just as Blessed to live another 40 years I will continue to drive my Lifted, Blacked-Out Toyota 4Runner with the safari rack (you never know what adventure at HOMEGOODS requires a safari rack!) bumping to Latin Music and letting my hair blow in the wind.

I don’t claim to be a Fortune Teller, or can tell your Fortune or Future, but I can tell you that it is no MISFORTUNE to have a love of living careless and free without age restrictions. From now on I will be referring to myself at times as MISS FORTUNE, because I have been fortunate to learn this lesson early enough to throw caution to the wind and I predict a Bright Future on my Horizon.

Now if only I could predict the winning lottery numbers... HAHA!




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